Quote of the Day

" At the sunset of our days on earth, at the moment of our death, we will be evaluaed according to whether or not we resemble the Child who is about to be born in the lowly cave in Bethlehem, since He is the criterion by which God measures humanity. "

Pope Benedict XVI
Advent 2007

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Test blog entry

From the iPhone app

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Monday, November 02, 2009

All Saints Mass 2009

There was a line in mass that struck me yesterday. It got me thinking for a while. It goes roughly like this,

" The first, early Christians had to give up their lives for the faith. For us, in this day and age where we do not have to die,the best thing we can do is LIVE the faith! "

Two different times. Our situations are so different. Out forefathers had to endure persecution and risk of death, and indeed they paid the price for the faith with their lives. They did!

Yet for us, in our cushy world where we are not persecuted and enjoy the freedom to practise our faith, we often fail to live up to the example set for us by our early fathers. We had not been asked to die. We are best able to minister to others by simply living our lives according to the faith, as revealed by God.

So as we celebrate the All Saints' and All Souls', may the lives of those who have come and gone before us, inspire and remind us of the lives we are called to lead. May we ask the Saints above to pray for us and likewise pray for those souls who have gone before us.

Thursday, October 29, 2009