Quote of the Day

" At the sunset of our days on earth, at the moment of our death, we will be evaluaed according to whether or not we resemble the Child who is about to be born in the lowly cave in Bethlehem, since He is the criterion by which God measures humanity. "

Pope Benedict XVI
Advent 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Duck Tours Excursion 11 Aug 07

Today, I've finally satisfied an itch that has been present for quite a few number of years.

It all started when I was doing medical cover for an event in Pan Pacific Hotel. I was sitting on my land rover with my medics under the Benjamin Sheares bridge when I saw this boat on wheels trundling down Republic avenue with her load of tourists. It was a converted Larc V military amphibious vehicle now used for commercial purposes. It was a clever idea.

So since I had these "useless" credit card points that I needed to get rid of, it presented the perfect opportunity to scratch this itch of mine. So Fran and I made a date with her sister and her boyfriend for an afternoon tour of the Singapore skyline and bay.

What surprised me first of all was that I had actually redeemed a SGD 132 worth of tickets as an adult ticket costs SGD 33 each. The journey itself was an hour, of which 40min was on the water taking in the sights of the Singapore skyline.

The journey was a little noisy, making the commentary from the guide just a little difficult to hear. But the views were great and different from the water. It was also a good experience have a land vehicle run down a ramp and splash into the water.

Check out my flickr for our Ducktours Excursion

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