Quote of the Day

" At the sunset of our days on earth, at the moment of our death, we will be evaluaed according to whether or not we resemble the Child who is about to be born in the lowly cave in Bethlehem, since He is the criterion by which God measures humanity. "

Pope Benedict XVI
Advent 2007

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Why can’t fish shops in Singapore be more responsible? I just saw the most disturbing thing during lunch. A mother with her child and a stroller had obviously just paid a visit to a fish shop. Three plastic packets hung from the stroller, the kind that coffee shops use to contain your coffee. Each contained three fishes and a sprig of plant. The bags were not tied up nor was it pumped with air.

Most fish buyers are ignorant about the conditions required to successfully look after these delicate and beautiful animals. Most buys are fuelled by the whims and fancies of children who pester harried parents to buy them. Fish shops, on the other hand, should know better. They should take the opportunity to educate and advise the buyers on the intricacies needed to enjoy this new hobby.

The deplorable condition under which the fish were subjected to was heart breaking. The sprig of plant, serving as a small effort to beautify its surroundings, was distinctly out of place. In its small plastic world, the volume of water is small making it vulnerable to temperature fluctuations. There is probably little oxygen in the water. The frequent swinging must seem like an endless series of earthquakes to the little fish. The flurry of activity in the food court did nothing to make the situation any less chaotic.

It is no wonder that, on reaching home, those little buggers have little or no chance to survive. It is just not right to treat a living creature this way. I know fish are not as cute as dogs and other furry animals, but it is still a life!

I can only wish that local fish shops can slowly raise their standards and professionalism and provide the level of expertise needed for such a specialized hobby. As of now, the usual heartland fish shops have a long way to go.

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